Refund & Returns Policy & +91 7045300744 with your order details or cancel it on in customer account. Once the order is dispatched or packed, we cannot accommodate cancellations. Refunds will be auto generated and will be created to your account with 5-7 working days.

Returns and Refunds

We regret to inform you that once a product is dispatched or delivered, we do not entertain returns or issue refunds. It is essential to thoroughly review your order before completing the purchase.

Exchange Policy for Damaged Items

In the unfortunate event that you receive a damaged piece or product, we offer an exchange. Please contact us within [number of days, e.g., 3 days] from the delivery date to report any damage. To initiate the exchange process, kindly provide clear images of the damaged item, along with your order details, to & +91 7045300744 .

Quality Assurance

At Henry Coleman, we prioritize quality and take extensive measures to ensure that our products meet high standards. We conduct rigorous quality checks and utilize quality packaging to safeguard your purchase during transit.

Packaging Standards

Our team is dedicated to providing quality packaging to prevent any damage during transportation. If, however, you receive a damaged item due to unforeseen circumstances, please follow the exchange process mentioned above.

Contact Information

If you have any questions or need assistance with cancellations or exchanges, please contact our customer support team at & +91 7045300744. We are here to address your concerns and provide the best possible service.

Please note that this policy is subject to change without notice, and any updates will be reflected on our website.

Thank you for choosing Henry Coleman

Email Address: 

Contact Number : +91 7045300744